The style of theatre CINEMA can be defined as a sum of many elements, also those which are not directly connected with art. The most important are people, I mean, those who create the theatre. Still, the point is that not only we creatively contribute to the theatre but also our biographies are involved in it. It means, among other things, our life in Michałowice, in the far-away country place, isolation. (...)
We met to test our conceptions concerning art. Our work intertwined with life so much that testing art unnoticeably changed into testing our characters. (...)
We are the kind of clochards who in order to have some sleep under the bridge have to build that bridge themselves. One should be careful employing such terms as surrealism and absurd with reference to our theatre. (...)
Art ... one of its definitions sounds as follows: "Art is an effective wonderment."
Working in the area of art, practicing Theatre, one should persuade oneself that art has nothing to do with wonderment. On the contrary, it consists in obstinate repeating several activities, several schemes, finding pleasure and strength in limiting and reducing originality. But, who can do it. (...)
In the theatre, actor is the most important. Without his inner ... cause outside he can pull a face ... without his real, ergo deep, acceptance nothing important can be done. This what we do is called transformation. I would like this word to be written with a capital letter. Not revolt, not separation but Transformation. And in this sense one cannot speak about domination. Nobody can force anybody to transformation. In a sense, a man who decides to do it, chooses solitude ... even in such group as our ... kennel ... I think it is a good term; instinct and intuition, not calculation. Coming back to the question concerning domination: our work is based on my questions and actor's answers. Now, I can see clearly that the mystery is made of simple answers not mere talking.
Fragments of the interview of Małgorzata Potoczak-Pełczyńska, " Nowiny Jeleniogórskie " with Zbigniew Szumski.