::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ____ "C I N E M A"  T H E A T R E ____ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

ul. Kolonijna 8

58 - 573   Piechowice - Michałowice

tel./fax ++48 75 761 76 16 ; mobile: ++48 602 192270


e-mail:   teatrcinema@wp.pl  ;  info@teatrcinema.pl


About "Cinema" Theatre

Technical conditions

Review and text

::: >>>>Cinema Presentation 2006<<<< :::



tel./fax ++48 75 761 76 16   mobile: ++48 602 192270   

e-mail: teatrcinema@wp.pl


>>>>>>>> "Cinema"..........Jerzy Łukosz......::: en :::

>> "Where the elbow meets cosmos"..........Katarzyna Dudek......::: en :::